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Monday, August 16, 2004


It had been a beautiful day. So why not celebrate with a couple drinks.
It was a Friday evening with friends over. Constance was enjoying some wine in the beautiful new glasses she had just bought.
The kids were just haning out while the parents drank some wine and had adult conversation.
"mommy, mommy, can I have some coolaid?" Constances little three year old daughter asked.
" Yes you can honey." I'll get you some. Said Constance as she started for the kitchen to pour her daughter some coolaid" She poured it into a plastic green cup.
As the parents where enjoying adult conversation, little Amanda watched with enjoyment.
Constance looked into her wine glass and noticed that she was drinking very fast. Everytime she looked down at her wine glass it was empty. She quickly examined Amandas glass to see if maybe she was sneaking her wine without being noticed. But Amandas glass was still green coolaid. "Wow I'm holding my alcohol quite well tonight." Constance thought with a smile.
As the evening progressed, Constance noticed that Amanda was laughing pretty loud by this time. She was falling over and hanging onto things as if she might be...DRUNK! Constance grabbed Amandas glass and took a drink of the green coolaid. By this time the coolaid was about 80% wine. "oh my God!" My three year old daughter is hammered. Said Constance trying to keep it together. Just as Constance reached out to pick her baby up. Amanda puked all over the floor.
"My belly hurts." Amanda said holding her stomach hunched over."
Stumbling down the hall way of the three story apartment they lived in, Constance walked her daughter outside for fresh air. Up and down the streets for quite sometime they walked. Amanda laughed and puked and stumbled as Constance walked with her. Teary eyed as to the level of parenting she had possessed this night. Constance knew she had fucked up. Looking into her mothers eyes, Amanda had no idea that this would be the beginning of her life to come.


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