Poor boy
I left my house last night around 6pm. On my way to my girlfriend Terri's house for dinner and beer. On my way I had to stop at my friends Queenie's so that I could pick up some cheap smokes..The indian smokes that instead of paying 64 dollars a carton are 36 dollars... Anyway... We were just about at Queenies when I turned around to see my 5 years old son stuck to a poll by his tongue... He was screaming .. well as he could scream stuck this way.. I was very scared for him but for some reason laughing at the same time.... Screaming at Brandon to run to the house in front of us to get some warm water.. The lady who answered the door there .. I guess had a big dog and closed the door after Brandon explained to him what had happened.. so i am screaming what the fuck? He explains to me that the dog would get out and that she is still getting the water... It took what seemed like forever.. My son was crying and his tongue was now frosted to the poll.. I didnt knwo if the water would get it off and he was in pain and scared... I started to scream at Brandon "What the fuck is taking so long!?"
Finally The water was on its way and i poured it on his little soar tongue... It came right off... And my son continued to scream and cry while i laughed a little and hugged him... We asked he why he did it .. And he said he wanted to know what steel tasted like... And that he knows now not to lick metal polls in the winter...
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